Tuesday, September 29, 2015


September 28, 2015 | 9 comments

The most overlooked part of the Bible, apologetically speaking, is the table of contents. It does more than just tell us the pages on which the constituent books begin. It tells us that the Bible is a collection of books, and that implies a Collector. The identity of the Collector is what chiefly distinguishes the Protestant from the Catholic.
Douglas Wilson knows this. Writing in Credenda Agenda, a periodical espousing the Reformed faith, he notes that “the problem with contemporary Protestants is that they have no doctrine of the table of contents. With the approach that is popular in conservative Evangelical circles, one simply comes to the Bible by means of an epistemological lurch. The Bible ‘just is,’ and any questions about how it got here are dismissed as a nuisance. But time passes, the questions remain unanswered, the silence becomes awkward, and conversions of thoughtful Evangelicals to Rome proceed apace.”
Most Protestants are at a loss when asked how they know that the 66 books in their Bibles belong in it. (They are at an even greater loss to explain why the seven additional books appearing in Catholic Bibles are missing from theirs.) For them the Bible “just is.” They take it as a given. It never occurs to most of them that they ought to justify its existence.
All Christians agree that the books that make up the Bible are inspired, meaning that God somehow guided the sacred authors to write all and only what he wished. They wrote, most of them, without any awareness that they were being moved by God. As they wrote, God used their natural talents and their existing ways of speech. Each book of the Bible is an image not only of the divine Inspirer but of the all-too-human author.
So how do we know whether Book A is inspired and part of the canon while Book B is not? A few unsophisticated Protestants are satisfied with pointing to the table of contents, as though that modern addition somehow validates the inspiration of the 66 books, but many Protestants simply shrug and admit that they don’t know why they know the Bible consists of inspired books and only inspired books. Some Protestants claim that they do have a way of knowing, a kind of internal affirmation that is obtained as they read the text.
Wilson cites the Westminster Confession—the 1647 Calvinist statement of faith—which says that the Holy Spirit provides “full persuasion and assurance” regarding Scripture to those who are converted. The converted, says Wilson, “are in turn enabled to see the other abundant evidences, which include the testimony of the Church.”
But the “testimony of the Church” cannot be definitive or binding since the Church may err, according to Protestant lights. (Protestants do not believe the Church is infallible when it teaches.) What really counts is the internal testimony of the Holy Spirit. Without it, the Protestant is at a loss—but, even with it, he is at a loss.
When young Mormon missionaries come to your door, they ask you to accept a copy of the Book of Mormon. You hesitate, but they say that all they want is for you to read the text and ask God to give you a sign that the text is inspired. They call this sign the “burning in the bosom.” If you feel uplifted, moved, prodded toward the good or true—if you feel “inspired,” in the colloquial rather than theological sense of that word—as you read the Book of Mormon, then that is supposed to be proof that Joseph Smith’s text is from God.
A moment’s thought will show that the “burning in the bosom” proves too much. It proves not only that the Book of Mormon is inspired but that your favorite secular poetry is inspired. You can get a similar feeling anytime you read an especially good novel (or, for some people, even a potboiler) or a thrilling history or an intriguing biography. Are all these books inspired? Of course not, and that shows that the “burning in the bosom” may be a good propaganda device but is a poor indicator of divine authorship.
Back to the Protestant. The “full persuasion and assurance” of the Westminster Confession is not readily distinguishable from Mormonism’s “burning in the bosom.” You read a book of the Bible and are “inspired” by it—and that proves its inspiration. The sequence is easy enough to experience in reading the Gospels, but I suspect no one ever has felt the same thing when reading the two books of Chronicles. They read like dry military statistics because that is what they largely are.
Neither the simplistic table of contents approach nor the more sophisticated Westminster Confession approach will do. The Christian needs more than either if he is to know—really know—that the books of the Bible come ultimately from God. He needs an authoritative Collector to affirm their inspiration. That Collector must be something other than an internal feeling. It must be an authoritative and, yes, infallible Church.


Blood Moon Prophecy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pastor John Hagee, 2007
The Blood Moon Prophecy was an apocalyptic belief promoted by Christian ministers John Hagee and Mark Biltz, which stated that a tetrad (a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses—coinciding on Jewish holidays—with six full moons in between, and no intervening partial lunar eclipses) which began with the April 2014 lunar eclipse was a sign of the end times as described in the Bible in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12. The tetrad ended with the September 2015 lunar eclipse on September 27–28.


On April 15, 2014, there was a total lunar eclipse. It was the first of four consecutive total eclipses in a series, known as a tetrad; a second one took place on October 8, 2014, third one on April 4, 2015 and the remaining one took place on September 27, 2015. It is one of eight tetrads during the 21st century AD.[1] As with most lunar eclipses, the moon appeared red during the April 15 eclipse.[2][3] The red color is caused by Rayleigh scattering of sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere, the same effect that causes sunsets to appear red.[2] Hagee also connects the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 in the middle of the sequence.
2014 Apr 15
Lunar eclipse April 15 2014 California Alfredo Garcia Jr1.jpg
2014 Oct 08
Lunar eclipse October 8 2014 California Alfredo Garcia Jr mideclipse.JPG
2015 Mar 20
20th March 2015 total solar eclipse cropped.jpg
2015 Apr 04
Lunar eclipse April 4 2015 greatest Alfredo Garcia Jr LA.jpg
2015 Sep 28
Lunar eclipse September 27 2015 greatest Alfredo Garcia Jr.jpg
The idea of a "blood moon" serving as an omen of the coming of the end times comes from the Book of Joel, where it is written "the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."[4] This phrase is again mentioned by Saint Peter during Pentecost, as recorded in Acts,[5] although Peter says that date, not some future date, was the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy. The blood moon also appears in the book of Revelation chapter 6 verses 11 - 13,[6] where verse 12 says " And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood".

Monday, September 28, 2015



Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System, after Mercury. Named after the Roman god of war, it is often referred to as the "Red Planet" because the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives it a reddish appearance. Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the volcanoes, valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps of Earth. The rotational period and seasonal cycles of Mars are likewise similar to those of Earth, as is the tilt that produces the seasons. Mars is the site of Olympus Mons, the largest volcano and second-highest known mountain in the Solar System, and of Valles Marineris, one of the largest canyons in the Solar System. The smooth Borealis basin in the northern hemisphere covers 40% of the planet and may be a giant impact feature. Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and irregularly shaped. These may be captured asteroids, similar to 5261 Eureka, a Mars trojan.
  • Radius: 2,106 miles (3,390 km)
  • Surface area: 55.91 million sq miles (144.80 million km²)
  • Orbital distance: 141.63 million miles (227.94 million km)
  • Orbital order: 4
  • Orbital period: 686.97 days
  • Gravity: 12.18 feet/s² (3.71 m/s²)


(CNN)Potentially life-giving water still flows across the ancient surface of Mars from time to time, NASA scientists said Monday in revealing a potential breakthrough in both the search for life beyond Earth and human hopes to one day travel there.
While the discovery doesn't by itself offer evidence of life on Mars, either past or present, it does boost hopes that the harsh landscape still offers some refuge for microbes to cling to existence.
"The existence of liquid water, even if it is super salty briny water, gives the possibility that if there's life on Mars, that we have a way to describe how it might survive," said John Grunsfeld, associate administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at NASA.
NASA says it found proof of water in dark streaks like these, called recurring slope lineae, on the walls of the Garni Crater on Mars.
NASA researchers using an imager aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter confirmed the watery flows by looking at light waves returned from seasonal dark streaks on the surface, long suspected to be associated with liquid water.
The investigation showed the streaks absorb light at specific wavelengths associated with chemicals known to pull water from the Martian atmosphere in a process known as deliquescence, said Georgia Tech doctoral student Lujendra Ojha, who first discovered the streaks while still an undergraduate student at the University of Arizona in 2011.
The chemicals allow the water to remain liquid at lower temperatures but also help keep it from boiling off in the thin atmosphere of Mars, the researchers said.
It remains unclear where the water comes from. Theories include deliquescence, melting subsurface ice or even a liquid-water aquifer that feeds the process. Discovering what precisely is causing the phenomenon is a mystery for the next round of investigations, said Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program.
The researchers' findings are in a new paper being presented this week at the European Planetary Science Congress in France.
This is not the first discovery of water on Mars.
Researchers have known for many years that Mars has water frozen at its poles, in its thin atmosphere, and, most recently, in tiny puddles that appear to form at night on the surface.
Nor is it the first potential clue that Mars could have once -- or may still -- host life. The Mars Curiosity rover, for instance, has detected methane on the surface of Mars, as well as other chemical signatures suggesting the possibility of past or present life.
It remains to be seen whether the new discovery improves the odds of life on Mars, but researcher Mary Beth Wilhelm said the results suggest "more habitable conditions on the near surface of Mars than previously thought."
How habitable, she said, depends on how salty and how cold the conditions are.
But Alfred McEwen, who heads up NASA's HiRISE high-resolution camera aboard the Mars orbiter, said he's fairly confident life will one day be found on Mars.
NASA: Proof of alien life closer

NASA: Proof of alien life closer 01:08
"It's very likely, I think, that there's life somewhere in the crust of Mars, microbes," he said.
Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA, said the discovery announced Monday puts NASA in a perfect position to look for that life.
"We haven't been able to answer the question, 'Does life exist beyond Earth?' " Green said. "But following the water is a critical element of that. We now have, I think, a great opportunity to be in the right locations on Mars to thoroughly investigate that."


Burger King unleashes black Halloween Whopper—and it's frighteningly good

I'm a burger purist. You know, one of those annoying people who hasn't had a fast food burger in 10 years, won't order a burger unless I know the name of the butcher who created the meat blend, and skips the toppings except for a tiny smear of Heinz ketchup (I'm a ketchup purist too). All that changed today when I taste-tested Burger King's Halloween Whopper for TODAY Food.
Burger King's black bun Halloween Burger Alessandra Bulow / TODAY
From September 28 through Halloween Day, the burger giant is offering its popular patty sandwich inside a pitch-black bun that's flavored with A.1. sauce and sprinkled with white sesame seeds. The burger comes loaded with the usual Whopper fixings (melted American cheese, pickles, white onion, tomato and mayonnaise) but this one also has a dash of A.1. sauce—something I don't think I've tried in over 20 years.
The verdict: it's kinda, sorta...well...okay, really good.
The black bun has the squishiness of a Martin potato roll and a tiny hint of black pepper that's a good complement to the smoky charcoal-broiled burger, crunchy iceberg lettuce and creamy mayo. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the addition of the A.1. sauce really brings out the umami flavors of the sandwich. Who am I?
Close up of black bun on Burger King's Halloween Burger Alessandra Bulow / TODAY
While I'm grappling with this existential question, you should know that in Japan last year, Burger King served a sandwich called the Black Burger, only its black bun was made with squid ink. A BK rep wouldn't comment on what exactly makes the bun black in this U.S. version, but I'm guessing that the company didn't think that a squid ink bun would help the Halloween Whopper become a bestseller in the U.S.
Twenty minutes after trying the sandwich I have a food coma and some advice: bring a friend. Reason No. 1 is that this thing is huge and you should split it, not eat the whole thing like me. Ouch.* Reason No. 2 is you're going to need someone to tell you if you look like a Halloween jack o'lantern afterwards from getting the black bun stuck in your teeth, again like me.


10 tips for using your slow cooker to get the best results

The slow-cooker can be a godsend if you use it right - allowing you to multitask while it does the cooking work for you. But you run the risk of ending up with a mushy meal that's not quite right. Use these tips for what to do and what to avoid to ensure you've got a winner every time.

Slow cooker Shutterstock
Start with the correct cut of meat
Slow cookers work well with fattier meat cuts—think a pork shoulder, short ribs, or flank steak—cooking low and slow since the fat keeps the meat moist. Fattier cuts are usually cheaper, so it's a total win-win. Does this mean that lean cuts like pork tenderloin or chicken breasts can't be used in a slow cooker? No, but proceed cautiously. A long cooking time could cause stringiness, so aim for a shorter stint and extra liquid to prevent lean meats from overcooking.
Layer food properly
Remember that the slow cooker's heat source is directly on the bottom. Whatever food will take the longest to cook needs to be placed into the slow cooker first to absorb the most heat. This usually translates into tougher cuts of meat and root vegetables like sweet potatoes or winter squash. This same thought process also holds true for more delicate, quick-cooking veggies like peas or chopped string beans being layered at the top of the slow cooker pot during the last 30 minutes, so they don't turn into overcooked mush.
Get tons of slow-cooker recipes and ideas here!
Don't overfill the slow cooker
Always try to err on the side of "less is more" when it comes to adding food into the slow cooker, aiming to fill it around two-thirds full. Filling the slow cooker directly to the top leads to one main problem—the food begins to steam versus simmer, resulting in a much longer cooking time and not as tasty results.
Keep the lid closed!
Sure, it's tempting to take a peek at the food by opening the lid, but it's best to keep the lid closed shut. Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough, authors of "The Great American Slow Cooker Book," estimated that just one lift of the lid could result in adding 30 minutes more of cooking time. Keep this in mind each time you're wanting to check on the cooking process. Of course, disregard this rule if you're stirring food into the slow cooker at the end of the cooking time since the dish is almost done at that point.
Add dairy and herbs at the end
Let's say you're making veal paprikash or beef stroganoff in the slow cooker. Only stir in the sour cream or crème fraiche—or any dairy in a slow cooker recipe—right at the end of the cooking process, like the last 30 minutes. Doing so beforehand will lead the dairy to curdle. The same goes for fresh herbs like basil leaves in a slow cooker marinara sauce; only add during the last 30 minutes or they'll wilt too much. Both dairy and herbs can't hold up to the long cooking time and temperature in a slow cooker.
Brown the meat
The extra step of browning meat in a slow cooker dish like a roast or ribs has two bonuses to it. Sure, there's an extra pan to wash (unless your slow cooker has a stovetop-safe insert), but the benefit is that the browned meat will give the dish a bit of a more complex, heartier flavor. Don't have the time to get the meat golden-brown? Don't stress about it. It's an added incentive for a better meal but not necessary all the time.
Don't overdo the booze
When adding alcohol like white wine or sherry into a dish, keep it to just a splash if involved in a slow cooker recipe. The alcohol doesn't have a chance to boil off, leaving a raw boozy taste.
Let liquid boil off
Sometimes vegetables like onions release too much liquid in a slow cooker recipe, making the cooking sauce too thin. If the meat is cooked and you were aiming for more of a gravy-consistency from the dish's sauce, place the slow cooker on a high setting and remove the lid for 30 to 45 minutes. This will allow the extra moisture in the sauce to boil off.
Be flexible with time and temp
Did your slow cooker recipe not turn out exactly as the recipe described? Don't worry. The reason is because slow cookers vary so much -one might run hot while another may take longer to spring into heating action. Experiment with the temperature of your slow cooker and the time needed for specific meats.
Not just for dinner
If you're only relying on the slow cooker for dinner needs, you're missing out on a slew of other options. Use it to create a chicken stock or chicken broth or run it overnight for slow cooker oatmeal or braised breakfast ham. How about a slow cooker dessert like poached apples or a berry crispy? Keep in mind how versatile the slow cooker can be to harness more use out of it.


Pope Francis Says Goodbye, As U.S. Trip Concludes In Philadelphia

Pope Francis waves during a parade to an open-air Mass in Philadelphia on Sunday.
Pope Francis waves during a parade to an open-air Mass in Philadelphia on Sunday.
Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images
Updated at 8:50 a.m. ET on Sept. 28
Pope Francis has bid the United States farewell. His plane departed for Rome on Sunday night, thus bringing to a close his first visit to U.S. soil.
"My days with you have been brief, but they have been days of great grace for me. And I pray for you, too," the pontiff said, in a brief ceremony at the Philadelphia International Airport before his flight's departure. "As I prepare to leave, I do so with a heart full of gratitude and hope."
These were among the final words the pope spoke publicly. Above the occasional screech of planes overhead, Pope Francis reflected on themes that characterized much of his trip: the importance of family, and the responsibility of the U.S. as stewards of opportunity.
"We know that evil never has the last word," Francis said. "And that in God's merciful plan, love and peace triumph over all."
Before his remarks, while at the airport, the pope also met with Vice President Joe Biden, exchanging greetings before stepping to the lectern.
People gather on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway before the Papal Mass on Sunday in Philadelphia.
People gather on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway before the Papal Mass on Sunday in Philadelphia.
Michael Perez/AP
Earlier in the day, tens of thousands of people gathered in Philadelphia to see Francis as his popemobile wound through the streets ahead of his last Mass on U.S. soil before departing this evening for a return trip to Rome.
The pope waved to the crowd as his motorcade, flanked by cycle police and official vehicles, made its way to the dais. At one point, the popemobile stopped so Francis could greet well-wishers.
Following opening prayers, the pope listened during multilingual readings from the Bible.
The pontiff spoke of family relations.
"May children find in us models of communion, not of division," he said.
People gather on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the papal Mass on the final day events with Pope Francis in Philadelphia, on Sunday. After six days in the U.S., Francis returns to Rome Sunday evening. i
People gather on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway for the papal Mass on the final day events with Pope Francis in Philadelphia, on Sunday. After six days in the U.S., Francis returns to Rome Sunday evening.
Mark Makela/Reuters/Landov
"Jesus knows that where children are concerned, we are capable of boundless generosity," he said.
We must "overcome the scandal of a narrow, petty love, mistrustful, closed in on itself and impatient of others."
Earlier, Francis met with victims of child sex abuse and decried the priest pedophile scandal, saying "God weeps" over what has happened as he promised to do what is necessary to hold those responsible accountable for their sins.
Before he makes a scheduled 8 p.m. ET departure for the Vatican, Francis is expected to have a private meeting with Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden and to greet and bless some 5000 members of the World Meeting of Families.

Hajj Stampede Near Mecca Leaves Over 700 Dead


Pilgrims on their way to perform a ritual known as the Stoning of the Devil in Mina. Credit Ahmad Masood/Reuters
BEIRUT, Lebanon — In streaming ribbons of white, great masses of Muslim pilgrims made their way between cities of air-conditioned tents toward the next stop on their holy tour of Mecca in Saudi Arabia.
Then something went disastrously wrong, trapping the crowds in narrow streets and touching off a mass panic and crushing stampede that left the asphalt covered with lost sandals, crumpled wheelchairs and piles of white-robed bodies.
It was the deadliest accident during the hajj pilgrimage in a quarter-century, with at least 717 pilgrims from around the world killed and more than 850 injured. And it posed yet another challenge for the country’s new leader, King Salman, who is already coping with low oil prices, a war in Yemen and an increasingly fierce rivalry with Iran.

The stampede was the latest in a series of crises that have plagued the pilgrimage this season: Just two weeks ago, a crane collapse killed more than 100 visitors, and hotel fires have injured others. The missteps have embarrassed the insular Saudi monarchy, which considers itself the global guardian of orthodox Islam and takes great pride in protecting the holy sites and their millions of annual visitors.


Science can't prove bones in Florence are possible Mona Lisa model

FLORENCE, Italy- Scientific testing of bone fragments from a Florence church grave could not determine whether they are from the body of a Renaissance-era woman some believe was the model for Leonardo da Vinci's "Mona Lisa," researchers said Thursday.
Perhaps as enigmatic as that Mona Lisa smile, the question of who might have been the model has intrigued art lovers for centuries.
Art historians differ on the model's identity. Even if bone testing had determined that the remains were that of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of rich silk merchant Francesco del Giocondo, it wouldn't have answered the intriguing question of who posed for Leonardo.
Some say he used a male model; still others theorize the artist did a kind of self-portrait in disguise or used several models.
Researchers told reporters in Florence that carbon-14 testing of one of the fragments indicated the remains were compatible with the period. Gherardini died at age 63 in 1542, and the researchers said historical documents indicate she was buried in a Florence convent.
Head researcher Silvano Vinceti said unfortunately there are few remains, and no skull, which might have helped determine if the woman could have been Leonardo's model for the portrait, which is in the Louvre in Paris.
"Our biggest problem has been the fact that the fragments were very fragmented, very deteriorated," said Giorgio Gruppioni. head of the forensic anthropology laboratory at Bologna University. That complicated the task of determining the sex and age at death as well as DNA analysis, he said.
Because no remains have been found of Gherardini's relatives, any DNA comparison testing was impossible, the researchers said.
Still, Vinceti insisted that "the odds that the bones belong to her are very high."
A 16th-century artist and biographer of artists, Giorgio Vassari, wrote that Leonardo painted a portrait of del Giocondo's wife. Tradition has long linked the woman to the "Mona Lisa" painting, which is known in Italian as "La Gioconda


Question: "Will the sun really be turned to darkness and the moon to blood (Joel 2:31)?"

Joel 2:31 predicts, “The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes.” Will the sun literally be turned black and the moon turned to blood?

Not necessarily. As with many descriptive passages in prophecy, this prediction is stated in the language of appearance and should not be taken as a technical statement. The idea is that the sun’s light will be blocked and the moon will have a reddish appearance, like blood.

The sun turning to darkness takes place on occasion during a solar eclipse. It is possible that this natural phenomenon will be a sign of the Lord’s soon coming during the end times. Or it could be a supernatural darkness, similar to the darkness that took place during Jesus’ crucifixion (Matthew 27:45).

For a solar eclipse to take place at a particular time may not seem to be a big deal. There is a total solar eclipse visible somewhere around the globe about every 18 months. However, from any one location on Earth, total eclipses take place on average only once in several hundred years.

It is likely that Joel’s prophecy includes an eclipse visible in Israel just before the second coming of Christ. This would be evidence of God’s intricate timing. However, it is also possible that a supernatural event will occur, blocking the sun’s light from the entire planet. This would explain how the sun could look dark and the moon red at the same time—although the prophecy does not stipulate that the two events are simultaneous.

The moon appears red during a total lunar eclipse. Again, it will be the timing of this event that will reveal God’s supernatural power.

Jesus spoke of this event in Matthew 24:29–30: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Here, Jesus indicates that these phenomena will take place at the end of the tribulation period shortly before He returns to Earth. It is possible that the judgments and devastation that take place during the tribulation will be responsible for creating conditions that make the sun appear dark and the moon appear red.

Regardless of how it happens, the appearance of the sun and moon will change. Joel’s prophecy is clear: a darkened sun and reddish moon are associated with God’s judgment shortly before the return of Christ.


On April 15, 2014, there was a total lunar eclipse. It was the first of four consecutive total eclipses in a series, known as a tetrad; a second one took place on October 8, 2014, third one on April 4, 2015 and the remaining one took place on September 27, 2015. It is one of eight tetrads during the 21st century AD.[1] As with most lunar eclipses, the moon appeared red during the April 15 eclipse.[2][3] The red color is caused by Rayleigh scattering of sunlight through the Earth's atmosphere, the same effect that causes sunsets to appear red.[2] Hagee also connects the solar eclipse of March 20, 2015 in the middle of the sequence.
2014 Apr 15
Lunar eclipse April 15 2014 California Alfredo Garcia Jr1.jpg
2014 Oct 08
Lunar eclipse October 8 2014 California Alfredo Garcia Jr mideclipse.JPG
2015 Mar 20
20th March 2015 total solar eclipse cropped.jpg
2015 Apr 04
Lunar eclipse April 4 2015 greatest Alfredo Garcia Jr LA.jpg
2015 Sep 28
Lunar eclipse 2015-09-28 042428 UTC.png
The idea of a "blood moon" serving as an omen of the coming of the end times comes from the Book of Joel, where it is written "the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."[4] This phrase is again mentioned by Saint Peter during Pentecost, as recorded in Acts,[5] although Peter says that date, not some future date, was the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy. The blood moon also appears in the book of Revelation chapter 6 verses 11 - 13,[6] where verse 12 says " And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood".
Around 2008, Biltz began predicting that the Second Coming of Jesus would occur in the fall of 2015 with the seven years of the great tribulation beginning in the fall of 2008. He said he had "discovered" an astronomical pattern that predicted the next tetrad would coincide with the end times. When the prediction failed, he pulled the article from his website, but continued to teach on the "significance" of the tetrad.
Hagee would later seize on Biltz' prediction to write Four Blood Moons, which would become a best seller, spending more than 150 days in Amazon.com's top 150 by April 2014.[3] For the week ending March 30, 2014, it was the ninth best selling paperback, according to Publishers Weekly.[7] By mid-April, Hagee's book had hit No. 4 on the The New York Times best-seller list in the advice category.[3] Hagee's book (and subsequent sermon series at his home congregation, Cornerstone Church) did not proclaim that any specific "end times" event would occur (as did Biltz in his original prophecy), but claimed that every prior tetrad of the last 500 years coincided with events in Jewish and Israeli history that were originally tragic, yet followed by triumph.

Thursday, September 24, 2015







Pope Francis Skips Lunch With Politicians To Be With Homeless In Washington, D.C.

“I want to be very clear. We can’t find any social or moral justification, no justification whatsoever for lack of housing."

Pope Francis stepped away from the pomp and pageantry of Capitol Hill to be with the poor and homeless on Thursday.
Passing on the opportunity to dine with politicians after addressing Congress this morning, Francis instead said a prayer blessing a meal for homeless clients of St. Maria's Meals, a food program run by Catholic Charities in Washington, D.C.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


It hasn't happened in 33 years, and won't for another 18 years: Sunday evening, a total lunar eclipse will coincide with a "Supermoon."
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is between the full moon and the sun. The Earth's shadow covers the moon, which often has a red color, hence the "blood" moon nickname.
Although it's completely in the shadow of Earth, a bit of reddish sunlight still reaches the moon.
"That red light shining onto the moon is sunlight that has skimmed and bent through Earth's atmosphere: that is, from all the sunrises and sunsets that ring the world at any given moment," according to Alan MacRobert of Sky and Telescope magazine.
The total eclipse will start at 10:11 p.m. EDT (7:11 p.m. PDT) Sunday evening and will last one hour and 12 minutes. It will be visible across North and South America, Europe, Africa, and parts of West Asia and the eastern Pacific, NASA said.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Autumn’s equinox happens early Wednesday
By Lauryn Ricketts | @laurynricketts September 21, 2015 7:21 am
WASHINGTON — Why hello fall! While the calendar may not officially mark the start of autumn just yet, temperatures tell a different story.
A lot of the daytime highs Monday will only top out in the 60s. The last time the D.C. region had daytime highs in the 60s was June 4, 2015. Temperatures will climb to back around normal this week, just in time for the autumnal equinox.
The autumnal equinox arrives precisely at 4:21 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 23. People celebrate this moment across the world because that is exactly the time when the sun passes directly over the equator. As you may recall, this happens twice a year — both in the spring and fall.
In Latin, the word “equinox” means “equal night” – “equi” meaning “equal” and “nox” meaning “night.” This signifies the equal parts of daylight and darkness. However, this is not always the case.
The sun will rise at 6:56 a.m. on Wednesday and will set at 7:04 p.m. This isn’t exactly equal. In fact, you will have to wait until Saturday, Sept. 26 to get the full equal light, equal night. The sunrise on Saturday is at 6:59 a.m. and the sunset will be at 6:59 p.m. EDT.
Diagram of the astronomical seasons courtesy of NWS. Autumnal Equinox: Incoming solar energy equal in both hemispheres. Winter Solstice: Incoming solar energy greatest in Southern Hemisphere. Vernal Equinox: Incoming energy equal in both hemispheres. Sumer Solstice: Incoming solar energy greatest in Northern Hemisphere. (Courtesy NWS)Diagram of the astronomical seasons courtesy of NWS. Autumnal Equinox: Incoming solar energy equal in both hemispheres. Winter Solstice: Incoming solar energy greatest in Southern Hemisphere. Vernal Equinox: Incoming energy equal in both hemispheres. Sumer Solstice: Incoming solar energy greatest in Northern Hemisphere. (Courtesy NWS) So what is going on here? Well, the atmosphere is to thank for this anomaly as well as the definition of sunrise and sunset. Sunrise occurs the moment the tip of the sun can be seen on the horizon, and sunset is the last minute the sun can be seen before it dips below the horizon. Also, keep in mind our atmosphere refracts, or bends, light, which makes it appear as if the sun is rising or setting earlier.
The true equinox occurs when the center of the sun’s disk crosses the celestial equator and this occurs at 4:21 a.m. EDT on Wednesday, Sept. 23. At the same time the equinox occurs in D.C., it occurs across the globe.
Temperatures on Wednesday will still be around 80 degrees, which is just slightly above the normal temperature for this time of year. However, you will notice that the hours of daylight will grow shorter up until the winter solstice, which begins at 11:49 p.m. EST on Dec. 21. This also will be the darkest day of the year, meaning the day with the least amount of daylight.
However, don’t put away those flip-flops just yet based on the calendar. According to the Climate Prediction Center, temperatures could be above average heading into the first week of October.
Here's the outlook for the next few days. (Courtesy NOAA)

Sunday, September 13, 2015



Thursday, September 10, 2015

ROSH HASHANAH / ראש השנה Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה), (literally "head of the year"), is the Jewish New Year.

Rosh Hashana / ראש השנה

Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה), (literally "head of the year"), is the Jewish New Year. It is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim ("Days of Awe"), celebrated ten days before Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah is observed on the first two days of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar. It is described in the Torah as יום תרועה (Yom Teru'ah, a day of sounding [the Shofar]).
Rosh Hashana begins at sundown on Sun, 13 September 2015.



    • 12 ounces spaghetti, cooked, ½ cup cooking water reserved (Angel Hair)
    • 1 small yellow onion, chopped finely 
    •  Italian Seasoning while sautéing onions )
    • 2 lbs Italian Sausage (push onions to side of pan and add sausage)
    • 1 cup tomato paste, divided (12 oz can)
    • 3 large eggs
    • 1 cup grated parmesan cheese (pecorino romano)
    • 1½ cup shredded mozzarella and parmesan
    • 2 tablespoons olive oil
    • Salt to taste

Preheat oven to 350.

In a large skillet, sauté the onions until soft, sprinkling with Cajun Seasoning, Italian Seasoning, and Turmeric. Move onions to side of pan and add ground turkey folding in onions as it browns.

When turkey is browned and mixed with onions, add ¾ cup of the tomato paste. Add half the reserved pasta water and stir well. Season with salt, to taste. Consistency should be like a thick Bolognese sauce. Add more cooking water as needed.

In a large bowl, mix together the cooked spaghetti, eggs, 1 cup of Pecorino Romano, and ¼ cup of the tomato paste.

Grease a 9 or 10-inch pie pan with olive oil. Spread half the meat mixture over the bottom of the pan. Add the spaghetti mixture and press it down to level it. Top with the remaining meat mixture, then, scatter the remaining Mozzarella and Parmesan on top.

Bake the pie in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes. Remove from the oven and let sit about 10 minutes. Use a sharp knife or pizza slicer to cut into wedges like a pie. Serve with a green salad.